Lori Kershner on the Issue of Shared Services

I moved to Clearcreek Township with my wife and daughter in the winter of 2008 in order to be closer to the Cincinnati job market. We lived in a small house on my wife’s grandfather’s farm so that she could help take care of him in his later years, while my daughter enrolled to attend Springboro Schools the following year. I didn’t have much interest in local politics until the 2010 election when I started noticing Tea Party symbols appearing on all the yard signs.

Much of what I was reading appeared to demonize the government on all levels, but living property tax-free on grandpa’s farm left me feeling like an outsider without any skin in the game. We decided to move into the city of Springboro to not only earn the right to vote, but to experience first-hand how local government works in a small town. That same year, Kelly Kohls started touring on the FreedomWorks circuit, building the foundation for the Ohio School Board Legislative Council, and our small town lives started looking less like Springboro and more like the conversation on the national stage.

In subsequent years the situation seems to have gotten worse, once again reflecting the sharp divide our country is experiencing between rural and urban areas as the residents of Clearcreek Township grow increasingly weary of outsiders such as myself raising taxes to support local schools and services. You can only imagine the joy I experienced after reading Lori Kersher’s first priority to cut costs by sharing services between the city and the township. It was like witnessing the rift in our community being sealed with a solution that equally serves both sides of the divide.

As local conversations continue to be dominated by the blood sport in Washington, Lori’s vision of sharing services across a broader community follows in the footsteps of the Brookings Institute whose research shows that political power is becoming increasingly more centralized in metropolitan areas. In their book titled The Metropolitan Revolution, co-author Bruce Katz and Jennifer Bradly point to Northeastern Ohio as an example of how the region is working together in order to turn their economic downturn around into an opportunity in the 3D printing industry.

Closer to home, another example of shared services can be seen in the “One Dayton” plan to consolidate county and city governments. While their goal is a bit more ambitious, to unite the entire Montgomery County region in order to become the second largest metropolitan area in Ohio, the options currently on the table range from simply sharing services to the aforementioned creation of a consolidated government. Regardless of the controversy surrounding such a plan, state and local representatives believe that sharing services will benefit the taxpayers in the long run.

Without knowing the specifics of which services the city and township would share in her plan, Lori Kersher has introduced a vision which includes a much broader and more inclusive vision of our community. To consider the relationship between Springboro and Clearcreek Township serves to not only bridge the gap, but to connect our city to the surrounding area. Ultimately I believe that this kind of leadership can help our community to grow and prosper in the Metropolitan Revolution, assuming of course that we can find a way to connect to the Dayton or Cincinnati metropolis.

5 thoughts on “Lori Kershner on the Issue of Shared Services

  1. Pingback: Lori Kershner for Springboro City Council | Open Springboro

  2. There are reasons why cities and townships have different govts. Each needs are different. The big tax problem in Boro is that all sales tax from Clear Creek / Franklin rd to 75 go to Franklin township and from DLM to Austin Pike area go to Miami township. That’s why taxes are so high here. Plus a supermajority Democrat mayor/council complicate it worse. Becky Iverson has been a joke. Just a bench warmer for the GOP w no new ideas. Look into this as well Chris and you’ll see some of the reasons why we should not consolidate services.

    • Thanks Sonny, I’m glad you put a finer point on that as I would hate for Springboro or Clearcreek Township to lose their identity or their independence by consolidating services. It’s an assumption of mine that each node must retain it’s freedom on the network, from the individual members to the organizations they compose, but of course we all know where assumptions get you!

      • We already have a “shared” service w the fire dept as Boro does not operate its own. And for good reason. CC can more than do the job within the square mileage that we contain. I do have reservations about combining police forces. When I lived in Franklin for 12 years the option came up for a vote to consolidate city/ township. Way too much power for the powerhungry blue govt they already had. Thankfully we voted it down. But again, Kirshner has not clearly explained herself in her platform due to not wanting to show all her cards up front. I can understand that to a point, but we don’t want another bench warming “good republican” like Iverson not standing up to the Agenbroad adminstration. Call me up brother, i enjoy picking your brain!

  3. Pingback: A Local’s Blog Post About Lori! | Lori Kershner for Springboro City Council

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