Springboro Schools Offer Constitution Courses

A few weeks ago, the Springboro Board of Education introduced yet another controversial proposal to educate Springboro children on an alternative — or “more complete view” of constitutional history, depending on who you ask. According to one of the social studies teachers who spoke at the meeting and was familiar with the material from the vendors which were recommended by the board, the views of the vendors easily fit into the “more complete view” category.

This morning the Board sent out invitations to the community to participate in “two unique educational opportunities” this Summer:

Springboro Schools is offering two unique educational opportunities on the US Constitution this summer. Beginning July 9th and continuing for 12 weeks, we invite you to attend the highly acclaimed Constitution Course presented by the Institute On The Constitution. Also, on August 3rd, we invite you to attend the Making of America Seminar sponsored by the National Center For Constitutional Studies.

Springboro Schools is evaluating both courses and we’re inviting parents, families, community members, home schoolers, and anyone else who would like an in depth study of America’s founding to join us for one or both courses. Your family will see, hear, and learn exciting and unforgettable stories about the founding of our country.

Click on the links below for the flyer and registration information:

Constitution Course: http://ow.ly/mkwba

Making of America Seminar: http://ow.ly/mkwkJ

While there isn’t much information available online about the Institute On The Constitution, there is quite a bit on the National Center For Constitutional Studies (NCCS). According to Wikipedia, the NCCS asserts that the founding of the United States was a “divine miracle.” As such, the NCCS worldview and program are based on three major pillars:

  1. understanding the divine guidance that has allowed the United States to thrive;
  2. rejecting the tyrannical and sinful nature of the modern U.S. federal government; and
  3. preparing for a divine reckoning that will bring down America’s government and possibly tear society as we know it asunder, thus allowing those with sound principles to rebuild the republic.

If you have any more information about the courses offered by the Springboro Board of Education, please feel free to share them in the comments below.

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